One of the most important questions that people keep asking all the time is why they should be on Instagram despite being on the other popular social media platform, which is Facebook. It is true that Facebook is also popular but the popularity that Instagram has gained with time cannot be matched anymore. Instagram has been responsible for making numerous big as well as small brands successful because of the numerous advantages that it has provided. You have to know as to why Instagram is the perfect social media platform for you or your business if you have one. One of the reputed websites, hootsuite has stated that Instagram has almost 72% teenagers. This statistics is more than enough to understand as to why you should also be on this beautiful visual platform.

Instagram is not only your shiny new toy

It is true that Instagram is not new anymore but the steady growth of the members since the inception of Instagram in 2010 has been massive. This platform has been tried by numerous users from different parts of the globe and all of them have voted Instagram to be the best in comparison to its parent competitor, Facebook. Instagram is getting bigger as well as better with each passing day and there is no slowing down of the growth at all. If you are planning to start your business, do not forget to market it on Instagram.

Instagram comprises of teenagers mostly

As the statistics already states, 72% of the total teenagers from all over the globe are on Instagram. Teenagers are the ones who are responsible for taking the most impulsive buying decisions without even consulting the seniors. This is why as a new brand you have the chance of getting a young follower base, which is going to be beneficial for you in the long run. When adults are going to start following you, they are not going to see the age group of the people who are following you.

Rather they will be interested in the number of followers you have and that is going to draw them towards your brand. With Instagram, you can be assured that your brand is going to gain a huge recognition within a short time in comparison to traditional marketing. Getting free Instagram likes will help people to believe that your profile is genuine.

Why You Should Definitely Be on Instagram

You can show the personality that you have

Even if you are a brand, Instagram helps in personifying your brand to a great extent. People on Instagram love connecting with other ‘people’. Instagram is completely visual and hence you can use interesting and creative photos for portraying your brand in a unique manner and make your followers understand the people who are making your brand successful. Uploading spontaneous pictures of your employees or pictures from your personal life is the strongest way of connecting with the present as well as the target audience.


Instagram is going to be extremely inspiring for a new brand. Even if you plan it to use only for personal purposes, you should definitely get on this platform. With the help of Instagram, you can reach new heights that you might have not imagined before.

Author Bio: Harris is a leading blog writer and content marketing professional with thousands of real Instagram followers for his postings.