8 Things You Must Know if You Want to Get Into Insurance

Making money in insurance is great, think about uncapped income. Although it’s not that difficult to become an insurance agent, succeeding is not an easy job. It requires a good quality of personality to convince people to buy something along with reasonable graduation to understand, calculate, anticipate and influence a prospective lead.

Insurance agents understand well the impact that an accident, serious illness, injury can have on a family’s budget. So if you are planning to get in this type of industry, you may want to read this article and know some of the things you have to develop and learn before becoming an insurance agent.

This job may be rosy as you are your own boss, earning a 5 digit income a month, with flexible work schedules, and etc. But you need hard work to achieve all these and we’re going to help you with that.

Outstanding Communication Skills

Although there are instances where less talkative people have become insurance agents, it would take them a big amount of effort. Meanwhile, energetic and confident people with remarkable communication skills tend to be more triumphant in this sector.  

Wide Network

Network is the biggest factor that can affect an agent’s success. If you have a good network or you know how to build up a good network then you’ll do great. Your family, friends, extended family, acquaintances or even general public can be your prospective leads. You should always keep these in touch with you.

Real Customer Service

This job takes more than just building rapport because it’s all about listening, helping people, innovatively solving problems. Always think about putting the customer’s needs first and taking time and energy to ensure customers that they have options and make them feel comfortable with the sales process.

You need to have that expert knowledge to make sure that you are giving what’s right for them since these people are trusting you. Having great customer service skills include honesty, professionalism, attentiveness, and making sure that customers are satisfied.

Great Calculation Skills

If you’re good with math, then that’s perfect! When selling a policy to your prospect, you should be capable of doing calculations and projecting their financial condition after years. Your prospective client will trust you more if they see that you have good analytical skills.

Credible Advisory Skills

With so many different options available, the agent should be able to recommend the proper option to the client. You have to understand your client’s financial condition carefully so you may be able to advise the proper utilization of a policy to them, this is the key to selling a policy.

Fast Learner

You have to learn quickly in this industry. Just imagine the range of products and services that an insurance agent needs to study and be knowledgeable about such as accident plans, sickness plans, disaster management plans, disability plans, critical illness plans and so forth. You need to have a deep understanding of how the products work in order to best present the most suitable product or service to a specific potential policyholder and don’t forget that you need to be aware of how the application and underwriting processes work.

Not a Salaried Job

This is not a salaried job. You will only earn a commission for the policies that you sell. The more policies that are sold, the higher the income you can generate and vice-versa. It’s not the commission on top of a salary.

Patience and Perseverance

A career in sales needs these two qualities to go hand-and-hand. Not all of your clients are the same. Some may be an easy sell because they already know what they want and they’re ready to buy. On the other hand, there are some that need to be convinced, they already know that they need coverage but they’re not sure if “now” would be the best time. So be patient and respect that your clients may need more time, support, and space to come with an informed decision.

Author Bio: Ivandrea Ollero is a daytime writer for Insurance Advisernet NZ, one of the largest and most respected General Insurance businesses in New Zealand providing high-quality risk advice that business owners can trust. Ivandrea is a content writer who researches and write custom content about home improvements, finance, law, travel, fashion, and beauty. She graduated from St. Scholastica`s College, Manila, with a Bachelor`s Degree in Broadcast Journalism in 2016. Ivandrea provides helpful tips and hacks on various topics for her readers.