Financial Tips Before Baby is Born

All married couples are looking forward to the presence of their baby in completing the new family ark. Moreover, having children is a lifelong commitment. 

In addition to mental preparation, finances are also very important for a couple during pregnancy, including choosing the right life insurance for the child and all family members.

So, before welcoming your baby, you need to understand 5 financial tips & per stirpes to consider and implement as soon as possible.

  Savings during pregnancy and childbirth

Prepare for the cost of future pregnancy and delivery costs by planning finances in advance before pregnancy arrives. 

If you were awarded a baby a few weeks after marriage, it means that you and your partner have less than a year to prepare for these needs.

This is not to mention the fact that childbirth funds often increase with the inflation rate. So you will need to factor in the additional costs of inflation for next year whenever you calculate your current cost of delivery.

It is fortunate if you and your partner get dependents to give birth from the company where you or your partner work. However, if there isn’t, then one of the best ways is to have a special savings.

  1. Open children’s education savings

Education savings is an investment that is specifically designed for someone to have funds for children’s education when they have to study at university. 

This is very important because currently, studying at both public and private universities requires a large amount of money. 

This amount does not include admission fees and other educational needs such as books, laptops and research.

If your child is studying for four years, the costs required during the college period are IDR 64 million to IDR 120 million. 

Therefore, if you plan for education savings right from the time your first child is born, you will pay far less savings than you did when your child was in junior high school

  1. Have life insurance

For adults, life insurance is almost as important as basic necessities such as owning a place to live. 

The reason is, if something happens to you or your partner, the main concern is the fate of your children. 

How can your child continue to be able to carry out their activities as usual when you have to undergo medical treatment for a relatively long time?

If you do not currently have life insurance, then what insurance should you choose?

Start first with term life insurance that covers your dependents (including your wife and children) if you die during the specified period.

  1. Buy critical illness insurance

If you want to protect your family, critical illness insurance is arguably just as important as life insurance. 

Especially at this time, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of Indonesia’s population died starting with a critical illness. While only 10% died naturally.

The high prevalence of critical illness is in line with the large costs that must be spent on the healing process. 

As a result, these costs will gradually disrupt the financial stability of the family, including the condition of the children when they still need a lot of dependents to grow and develop actively and healthily.

Therefore, it would be nice if you have thought about having critical illness insurance. One of the recommended recommendations is Family Proteksi Prima.

If on the trip, you and your family are still protected from this critical illness, don’t assume your benefits are just gone. 

  1. Take advantage of Government Programs

Every country is always trying to improve the access and quality of education of its citizens. Indonesia is no exception, which continues to strive to improve education to be fairer and more equitable. 

New initiatives were launched by the government help ease the burden on the people when sending their children to school. Of course, as citizens, we can take advantage of various government programs.

For example, currently underway is the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP). Through this program, the government has distributed a number of funds for school students that can be used to purchase school supplies.

Yup, again, having children is unmatched happiness. Don’t let that happiness be temporary just because you and your partner don’t have careful financial planning since they first married. 

The five tips above can be a start for you and your partner to build a household with your baby without worrying too much about what will happen in the future.