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LatestNigeriafamousNews today, 5October 2020

Good morning, here istheLatestNigeriafamousNewstoday 5 October2020. It’s been put togetherby oureditorial team exclusivelyfor you!

Below are thenewandnewestNigeriaCelebrityNews5 October,2020. As reported

BBNaija Nengi condemns SARS brutality

The Big Brother Naija show star Rebecca Nengi Hampson has spokenout about acts of theSpecial Anti-Robbery Squad which includeskilling and extortion on innocentyouths.

SARShas beenblamed for murder as well as extortion, robbing,and blackmailingofinnocent Nigeriancitizens across different regionsofthe country.

Lil Frosh allegedly abuses girlfriend Gift Camille

Davido’ssigneeLil Frosh has just been accused of beatingher girlfriendGift Camille on several occasions.Naija celebrity news

This accusation was madebythe manager of Gift referred toby the name ofMayoks Michaelon hisInstagram pageand accordingtohim, thishas been goingon for nearlya year now.

Davido and hiscrew are deniedaccess tothe renownedGhanaian club

NigerianStarmakerDavido andhis teamwere apparently denied entry tothe club that is popularin Ghanaby the nameBloombar.

The27-year old singerwascaught on cameramade by buzzgh, who shouted atthe highest volumewhen he threatened to selltheentireclub.

Ericahas a key requirement to meet forgoing intoBbnaija house

Bbnaija2020’s disqualified housemate hasplenty of suggestionsto anyone who wants to get intothe Bbnaija house,amongwhich is to check withthe shrink prior to enteringthe house.

Ericamade this comment duringan interviewonTVC after she admitted tothe fact that being emotionalwas the cause ofherbeing disqualified.

Runtownto organize protestsOctober 8

After the outrage of social mediaabout the latest activities ofthe Federal Sars which includes extortionand Killing of innocent youths

Nigerian singer Runtownis a volunteer to lead#Endsars ‘ protest against police violenceand harassment onOctober 8.

EliminatingSARSisn’t the issueAccording toNaira Marley

Nigerianpopular singerNaira Marley has reactedto the rise in police brutalityacrossNigeria after Nigerianscalled fortermination ofSARS.

The President ofthe Marlians,as he stated inan Instagram livevideo posted on SundayOctober 4,has made it clearthat he’s totally infavor ofending the Special Anti-Robbery Group.

Layconadmits to being asubject ofSARS brutality, shareshisstory(video)

ABig Brother Naija Reality showlockdownwinnerLayconshares his ordealin theSpecial Anti-Robbery Squad following adecision to end the force.

According toCity People, he saidthat he was scolded for a few hourswhen he signed withtheir record label.

Wizkidis adamant aboutBuhari as hehopes forTrumpquickrecovery

The End of SARSWizkidhitsBuharias the president wishesDonald Trump speedy recovery from the Corona virusin the middle oftheEnd SARS protest

Chacha EkeFaani announces separationfrom husband

Nollywood actress ChachaEke Faani announced her separationfrom husbandAustin Faani.Sherevealed this viathe long deleted post onherInstagram page.

The mother of threehoweverdidn’t provide any detailsregarding why her marriage ofabout 7 years might havebeen dissolved.

BBNaija finalistDorathy Bachor discharged from hospital

The Big Brother Naija Finalist Dorathy Bachorwas dischargedfrom the hospital,in the wake of confrontingan illness that she was suffering fromthis morning.

Yesterday’s reports indicated thatBig Brother Naija’sBig Brother Naija reality show Finalist wasRushedto the Hospitalbecause of a health concernthat was not made public.

1.The actressEsther Nwachukwu calls out Jnr Pope:

AnotherNigerian actress whobecame famousbefore for tattooing married actorJnr Pope’sname on her bodyrecentlyconfronted him online.Latest Naija newsShe claimed they both sleptwith each other and evenmocked his bedskills.Nwachukwu then notedthat Popewas begging her tohave his name tattooed on her was an arrangement.

2. Gedoni warns Kemi Olunloyo:

A large number ofinternet users were upsetwith Gedonifollowing his warning tocontroversial journalist,Kemi Olunloyo, notcall his child her grandson. AccordingGedoni, she shouldnever be his child’s grandmother

3. Annie Idibia and 2baba’s relationshipdifficulties:

One of Nigeria’smost adoredcouples of the spotlight, Annie Idibia and 2baba’smarriage troubles recently came tosurface afterthe actresstook ona rant on herInstagram page.She claimed that her husband’s familynever liked her and that2babalived under thesamefamily structure as his babymama. Sheeven deletedtheir husband’s picture from herInstagram profile, before puttingit back. Annie’soutburst resulted in2baba’syounger brother calling outthe actress and claimingthat hermomwas involved in’juju’.Breaking newsThings remained quiet fortime until a voicemailcirculated aroundAnniethreat to throw everything awayand asserting that2babawas able to sneak out ofthe country tomeetone of hisbaby mamasPero.But, the couple eventuallyworked out their differencesandthis was made apparenton the day 2baba’s birthday.Read more:

4. Nedu and ex-wife Uzoamaka:

AfterAnnie Idibia called out 2baba the popular TV personalityher ex-wife and co-star,Uzoamaka has criticized himon the internet and claimed that hewas violentduringtheir marriage.Not stopping there, shealsoaccused him of child abandonment. Jamil’sschool fees: Tiwa Savage ‘grumbles’ as Davidodemands she spendmillion on jewels in hisfootage. This led toa can of worm beingdisclosed by Nedu’s acquaintancesas well as close friends comingto hisdefense.It was later discoveredthere was evidence thatUzoamaka was theone who was violentin the marriage . It was also discovered thatshehadtheir first child asherhusband’s sister. SheforcedNedu believethechild washis.An DNA test exposedherinsincerity.Yet, rather than backingup, Uzoamaka continued to grant interviewsand evenadmitted tobeing violentand denying her child’s paternity.The law finally intervenedandshe was warned againstfromharassing her husband.

5. Iyabo Ojo and Funke Akindele:

TopNollywood actress Iyaboojo, a top Nollywood actress, criticizedherco-star, Funke Akindele, afteran article that lambastedToyin Abraham’slatest film,Ghost and The Tout Toofollowed by a plea to viewers to watchthe film of Funke’sOmo Ghetto 2 instead. Iyabo Ojowas of the viewof the fact thatFunke Akindele sponsored the namecall and said thatit had always been hermethod of conducting herself becausesheknows her for many years.