If you’ve been in the company doing the same job for years, you’d think that promotion will be easier. However, it’s not the case. Promotion comes with a lot of effort to make it happen or get the work position you really want.
Maybe you’re curious how your colleagues keep on getting promoted and you’re still waiting for your turn. The process of getting promotion is not a secret and tedious. All it takes is your precious time and unwavering commitment. You need a solid plan on how to get the promotion you think you deserve. Below are the strategies you should include in your plan of getting promoted at work:
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Obtain new set of skills and knowledge
Expanding your knowledge and adding more skills give you an edge and big chance for bagging the promotion you’ve been waiting. If you have the skills needed, then it will be helpful for the company to gain more success.
Moreover, with new skills and armed with relevant knowledge, you can perform your job well and stay marketable. Keep yourself on the loop with industry news and events, and trends in your industry.
Be a team player
What are the things that make can you a team player?
– Offer your help to start a new project
– Volunteer to be part of task force or committees
– Help your boss and colleagues in any way
– Make an extra effort to help advert some issues in the company
Always associate yourself with colleagues who are deemed positive and professions by the management.
Make yourself irreplaceable
Being an indispensable part of the team is a good sign that you deserve to be promoted. But how can you be indispensable? You can be the go-to person something specific such as dealing with difficult customers or designing complicated sales decks. You stand out from the rest and upper management can see that.
Build an effective network
You can start building your network by attending company events and parties. In this way, you will be connected and engaged with your colleagues. This is your chance as well to stand out and be considered to another work level. You should develop a good personal relationship with your manager or supervisor. Managers or supervisors are likely to give promotion to an employee they know well compared to unknown candidate.
Show your leadership potential
You should take charge especially if you’re handling a new project. In this way, you have the chance to show your leadership potential. You’ll be able to showcase your confidence, passion, decisiveness, and trustworthiness – these are leadership skills. Act like a leader – don’t be late at work, meet work deadlines, avoid office politics, and more. You should be a role model to your colleagues and you’ll one step closer to the promotion you want.
Don’t complain
This is an important suggestion and can really give you the promotion you want. It’s hard sometimes to withhold your complain because it bothers you. But think twice and ask yourself if it’s worth it. Evaluate if the complaint will hurt your reputation and if people could remember it – even the bosses.
Ask for additional work responsibilities
Another way to increase your chance of getting promoted is volunteering to help other colleagues or teams to finish a certain project. You can also ask your boss to give you more work so that your value within the company will increase. This kind of attitude shows that you want to help your department or company to succeed. You become valuable to the company once you have more work to do.
Keep track of your progress and success
You want promotion? Advocate yourself.
The upper management would like to know what kind of value and contribution you can bring to the company. This is where your “working” portfolio comes in the picture. The portfolio should contain important projects you have completed and performed a record sales month. In short, all your success and accomplishment should be documented. Make sure it puts the company or department in a good light.
Don’t wait, just ask
Similarly to Bible, you should ask so you can receive. Keep in mind that your boss is not a mind-reader, so better open up about something you want to achieve – promotion. Your superior is also wondering if you want more work responsibility or if you like being part of the company. If you’re still undecided to tell your boss or not, ask for HR support. It’s likely the HR manager can give you a sound advise regarding the matter.
Don’t make your boss guess and tell them that you want to be considered for the next opportunity available. To be able to up your game for promotion, take time to get more work responsibility even if it’s not officially yours to do.