Before you apply for insurance, you need to know how insurance companies work. To understand that we’ve provided a detailed description of the Insurance Company London business model, based on Internet research and conversations with friends who are experts and work in the insurance industry. Let’s analyze the model with components:


  • Guarantees and investments


  • ask
  • marketing
  • Guarantees and investments




Based on the above, it can be said that the insurance company’s business model is to combine premium and investment costs that are higher than the costs incurred for losses while providing a reasonable price to customers.


The result can be explained by the following formula:

Profit = premiums + capital gains – losses – insurance costs.



Insurance companies receive their assets using these two methods:

Underwriting is a process used by insurance companies to select insured risks and select the value of the premiums collected to cover those risks.

Value Investment received a premium.

There are complex side-effects of the insurance company’s business model, namely actuarial pricing, which is based on statistics and the ability to estimate the value of future receivables in relation to that risk. Once the price has been determined, the insurance company approves or rejects the risk as part of the subscription procedure. Look at the frequency and severity of the insured liability and the estimated average payment, which is a simple determination of the interest rate.

The company examines all of these historical data for their losses, updates them with the current value and then compares them to the premiums received to assess the adequacy of the rate. The company also uses a cost-loss ratio. In a nutshell, we can say that when comparing losses to losing relativity, different risk characteristics are evaluated. For example, a double-loss policy must charge a double premium. Of course, there is room for more complex calculations using multivariate analysis and parametric calculations, which always use historical data as input data to estimate the likelihood of future losses.


The profit earned by the company is the amount of the premium received at the end of the policy, less the value paid on the claim. We also have an underwriter statement from A.K.A. Combined ratio. This is measured by dividing the value of losses and costs by the value of the premium. If it exceeds 100%, we call it the underwriting loss, and if it is below 100%, we call it the underwriting income. Do not forget that there is an investment element in the company’s business model, which means that the company can make profits even though there are losses from underwriting. Lifebuoys are the way Insurance Company London achieve investment returns. This is the amount of value received in the form of a bonus for a certain period, which is not paid out in the claim.

Investments in swimming begin when insurance companies receive premium payments and end when claims are paid. Because this period is the period of interest earned. US accident and property insurance companies suffered $ 142 billion of insurance claims in the last five years of 2003, totaling $ 68 billion over the same period. as a result of the placement of shares. Many industry experts believe that it is always possible to benefit from a stock placement without benefiting from underwriting. Of course, there are many thoughts. An important consideration to consider when applying for a new insurance policy is that in times of economic stress, there are trends in the market, and insurance companies are fleeing from floating assets and demanding a renewed premium price, which means higher prices. So it’s not time to sign up or renew your insurance. Changes in profit and non-profit times are called drawing cycles.


The Requirements
The real “product” paid in the insurance industry is the processing of claims and losses, as we may call the realized benefits of the insurance company. Representatives of insurance companies or intermediaries can assist or assist customers in completing claims.


Insurance companies use intermediaries and agents to open markets and attract their customers. These negotiators are associated with one company or entrepreneur, which means that they can abide by the rules and regulations of many other insurance companies. It is proved that achieving the goals of the insurance company is based on special and special services of representatives.