The Bay of Plenty has some of New Zealand’smost beautifulbeaches, sun and sand.Tauranga istucked awayin the stunningcoastline.It’swhere you can findthe Mauao volcano,and theenchantingMount Maunganui Beach.The beach is affectionately referred to as”the Mount” by locals, this seaside gemoffers watersports for the adventurous and free-spirited, as well as festivals for the adventurousanddelicious food forfoodies.
Here aresomeof thetopthingsto do inTauranga. Things to do in Tauranga areas.
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Climb Mount Maunganui (Mauao) At Sunrise
Mount Maunganui, an extinctvolcanic peak, can be seen justacross Tauranga harbour.Mauao in Maoriis a Maori word that means”caughtbydawn”.It’s therefore onlyappropriate to take in allithas tooffer during the day.It’spossible tohike on a variety oftracks and take approximatelyan hour towalkthrough theforests of pohutukawa.It’sa steep climb,but once youget tothe top,you willbetreated to a 360-degree viewof Tauranga and the Bay of Plenty coastline.Two of New Zealand’s mostbeautifulbeaches, Mount Maunganui Beach, and Pilot Bay are located at the mountain’sapex. Thismakes foran incredible viewfromall angles.Havea picnic breakfast(coffee isa must) andtake in a peacefulsunrise.
Adventure Water Parks:BeAmazing
{}McLaren FallsTauranga’s WaimarinoAction Parkis sure togive youthe adrenaline rushyouneed.Just 10 minutes awayfrom thecity’scentre and you’ll findnumerousactivitiesset up acrossthe Wairoa River.There areplenty of activitiesforall ages, includingclimbing walls for rock climbers orslide and slip.The Tarzan swing andthe watertrampoline aregreatoptions for themore adventurous.Waimarino alsohasthe evening glowworm Kayak touronLake McLaren . It’s aspeacefulas itis .
Go Chasing Waterfalls
Atrektoa waterfall is a must-doduringthe everyKiwi summer.Beginbygoing toMcLaren Falls Park.It isan easy 20 minutes hikethattakesvisitors through glowworm caves, native forest,andothernaturalmarvels.There are also a variety oftrails that runthrough the reserveof190 hectares.Getoutandspend some time exploring.Next stop is theKaiate Falls. They areapproximately 30 minutes awayfrom Tauranga.Take the forest walktothesummit of the falls,andthen down alongsidethe cascadesuntilyoureachthepool. Take aswim in the dreamy lake.
YouCan Saila Catamaran to This UninhibitedIsland
It is possible to drive fromthe coastuntilWhakatanewhich isthe starting point for anexciting day aboardthecatamaran.Set sailforMoutohora Island areserve for wildlife alongthe Bay of Plenty coastline.If you’refortunate there, you might spotrare native wildlife, such asTuatara and Kakariki penguins.Asnorkel tripthroughout the island will offeryou a glimpse attheamazingmarine life.You canend your day bytaking a dip in thehot water beachorsimply relaxingon theshoreoftheboat.This isparadise!
AttendThe Dream Summer Festival
If youdon’t haveat least one summerin the Bay Dreams festivalBay Dreams, are youtrulyaKiwi?They know how toput ona show. The January 2019sold out gigsawCardi Bheadlinethe stage,performingsongslikeBodak Yellow and wowing anelectrifyingcrowd.Peking Duk (Sub Focus), LAB, Katchafire and LAB weresome oftheperformers whoperformedat the NewYear’s festivalin 2021.Bay Dreams will make Tauranga yoursummer destinationIf you’reseeking a summerystyle, an amazingline-up andglitter,denimand camping.
These Stores Are Local!
Shopping in Tauranga Tauranga shopping isaboutdiscoveringhidden treasures inindependentshops.Ifyou’ve got ansense ofdesign and a love ofbrand names made in New Zealand, then you mustgo to thethe PaperPlane conceptstore.There, you’llfind a carefully curated selectionfurniture, fashion and lifestyle items.If you’re looking for something a little more spontaneous, stop byOur Place fora selection of rotatinglocal pop-upsfromjewelry and fashion to art.Our Place is made out of shipping containers. It wascreatedin order to provideaffordable retail space forlocalartisans and entrepreneurs.There’s a good chance you’lldiscover unique treasures inthis centre.
Picnic In Style On Mount Maunganui Beach
Are you looking to indulge in luxuriousproducts?Thebestwaytoenjoythe ultimate luxury is to enjoya bohemian-style picnicwith a view ofMauaomountainandthe ocean.Bay Picnicscanoffer teepees that havebig fluffy pillows, afghans,lighting,comfy throwsas well asBluetooth speakers.This is the perfectlocationtocelebratea birthday,special occasion, or simplyenjoy a casualevening.There are also a rangeoffood options available, including vegetarian, vegan,as well as raw plates.Ifyou’re planninga romanticevent(read:dream engagement) youcan even addan orderofflowers toyour picnic.
Take Partin the Markets
The weekend market in Tauranga isdistinctive.Check outthe Little Big Markets on thefirst and thirdSaturdaysineachmonth. Theyfeature an arrayof uniqueartists and deliciousfood.From French crepesto a variety of ice creamto rainbow shavedice,localfood, you’ll find it all.The Dinner at the Domain is aweeklygatheringfeaturing the bestfood trucks.We’re talking bubblewaffles, thebest burgers, giantpaellas,and sweetdesserts.We’re swooningover thedelicious treats availableon offer atHello Rosie.Thisvegan junk foodloverisa master ofveganfood.Ifyou’re looking to snack ona piece of freshfruit thentheSaturday farmers’ marketoffers a wide array offresh produce that can be a great addition toany cheeseboard.
WalkToMoturiki Island
Yes, you read that right Youcan walkto thisisland.Thetiny350-metreislandis located nearMount Maunganui Beach and is connectedby a walkingbridge.A blowhole islocatedon the island, and itis able to pump water upwardsathigh tide.Take the path up and you’llbegreeted bothby the oceanandMauao.
Salt Water Hot Pools arean excellent way to relax
Ifrelaxation and unwinding topyourpriorities and you want to unwind, then a trip toMount Hot Poolsshouldbe on yourlist.Thetherapeuticadvantages of saltwaterpools, setagainst Mount Maunganui, will make you feel like abrand newperson.For those whowant to experiencethe ultimate in luxury, bookan exclusive spa experience and getthe massagethatyou’re entitled to.
This Quaint Historic Village isa Must-See
Stepback in timeas youwalk along the cobbled streets ofThe Historic Village.There aremany secretplaces, charmingcafes, andskilledartisansthat make it easytoenjoy the rest ofyour day.There are a number ofart studioscan be found, such asImprint Gallery and Turner Gallery.It will guaranteethatthe art lovers aretakenby the staff at.
Enjoy the delicious local cuisine
Let’s be real, we’reall about thefood we eat.Taurangaserves delicious foodand drinks thatwillmake you swoon.
Ground Zero Coffeeshould be a regular stopfor coffeelovers.They are the Bay OfPlenty’sfirstSpecialty Coffee microroastery and offerflat whites and iced coffee.If you’reaftersomethingsweet it’s a good ideatostopthroughYo and Co which is a dessert bar that specialiseswaffles,savoury and sweetcrepesandit’s alsoone of Tauranga and The Mount’stopicecream shops.
Health nuts witha sweet toothmustnotmisstheNourished Eatery.Thecafe is a plant-based one thatbelieves in usinglocal, freshproduce.YoucanchoosetheWellness Bowl filled with herby browns,tomato sprouts, smoky tofu, and sproutscoconut tzatzikiasbreakfast.Be sure to makeroom for specialitysweet treatsmade byThe Nourishing Bakerlike fresh fudgyNutella brownies, double chocolate browniesas well ascustard doughnuts.