Calicut University has discharged warning for admission to the Post Graduate (PG) Programs (with the exception of PG projects to which confirmation depends on selection tests) in University Teaching Departments/Arts and Science schools partnered to the University of Calicut including 50% of seats set apart for Merit Admission in the Self Financing schools for the Academic Year 2019-2019 is distributed herewith.
Calicut University Centralized Admissions Process (CAP) PG 2019
The affirmation will be led through the Centralized Admission Process(CAP). Top offers an office for online accommodation of the application to different universities and projects. Understudies can pick up to 10 Colleges/projects of their decision on a need premise from among the University Departments/subsidiary schools through straightforward online advances accessible in CAP (site online.ac.in)
Non-English hopefuls applying for MA English, the affirmation will be founded on Entrance Test. The University will lead the Entrance examination and confirmations.
Calendar for the Calicut University Centralized Admissions Process (CAP) PG 2019 is given underneath.
Rank List
The seats filled by the University in University Teaching Departments/Government/Aided/Un-Aided (Self-financing) and Self Financing programs in Aided schools simply based on the legitimacy. Rank rundown for CAP PG is distributed. Competitors can visit the official site to check, an immediate connect to check the equivalent is likewise given underneath.
Seat Allotment
The Seat Allotment for Calicut University Centralized Admissions Process (CAP) PG 2019 has been distributed as it is accessible on the official site. A distributed competitor need to pay an expense so as to affirm assignment before the last date. Applicants can check the designation from the connection gave underneath.
The online enrollment of Calicut University Centralized Admissions Process (CAP) PG 2019 was accessible according to the planned date. The immediate connection for the online enlistment of Calicut University Centralized Admissions Process (CAP) PG 2019 is given underneath.
Qualification Criteria
The qualification criteria for CAP PG 2019 has been recorded underneath. Competitors need to check their qualification criteria before topping off the online application structure. Any hopeful not satisfying the qualification criteria and as yet applying for the ideal course may prompt the dropping of their application.
Hopefuls who have passed the passing examination at a yearly/semester examination or
in a former advantageous examination held by the examination specialists alone are qualified to look for admission to any course of concentrate under the University. Competitors are not qualified to look for admission to a course in a specific scholarly year on the off chance that they have passed the passing examination in the Supplementary/September examination in a similar scholastic year to which they look for affirmation.
The interim between the date of passing the passing test and the test for which affirmation is looked for ought not be not exactly the typical period recommended for the projects/courses of study.
Competitors who had stopped their investigations in the primary year/semester of the program/course with or without Transfer Certificate additionally should look for affirmation again to the principal year/semester similarly as new hopefuls looking for confirmation in the wake of passing the passing examination.
Offspring of administration people who are granted by courage designs in the Vir Chakra administration either face to face or after death and furthermore on Non-Decorated administration Personnel who are murdered in real life will be exempted from the necessity of least checks endorsed for admission to B.Com, M.A/M.Com/M.Sc courses. (GA/G2/28074/1984 dated 01.12.1986).
Triple principle applicants are likewise qualified for affirmation. In any case, they need to present a duplicate of the Equivalency endorsement from the University of Calicut, expressing that, their passing examination is perceived for looking for admission to the important PG program, at the season of confirmation.
The seats filled by the University in University Teaching Departments/Government/Aided/Unaided and Self Financing programs in Aided schools that are reserved for SEBC/EBFC/SC/ST/OBX/OBH and so forth and Reservation seats for competitors from Union Territory of Lakshadweep/Tamil Linguistic Minority/Person with inabilities/Sports.
Basic Requirement at the season of Admission
The hopefuls will deliver the accompanying archives (in unique) at the season of admission to a course of concentrate in the subsidiary universities/Departments.
- The printouts of the application Finally submitted.( For a wide range of confirmations, the CAP enrollment application structure print out is necessary)
- Challans of Registration Fee and Mandatory Fee
- Distribution/Admit Card
- Qualifying Certificate.
- Imprint List(s)/Grade Card (s) of the passing examination
- Exchange Certificate got from the Institution last examined.
- Direct Certificate
- Equivalency/Recognition Certificate from the University of Calicut. (On the off chance that Necessary)
- Pay Certificate/Nativity Certificate/Community Certificate/BPL testament as coordinated by the conceding experts
- S.S.L.C
- Competitors who guarantee reward/weightage marks will create significant endorsements.