When should we go to the dental office? We must all perform at least once a year, being indicated, every six months, a visit with our dentist. Prevention will always be the best treatment, therefore, we should not wait to have dental or oral pain to go to our dentist.
Many people suffer from dental problems and concerns that push them to go to their trusted dentist. What many people do not know, however, is that some of these common problems can have important and dangerous consequences if they are not treated quickly and correctly.
We encourage you to take a look at the ‘top 10’ of dental problems and the potential health risks associated with them.
When should you go to the dental office?
On many occasions, we forget the importance of having proper oral and dental health. Healthy teeth and gums are key to proper general health and always, prevention will be the best of our treatments, therefore, we must make periodic reviews with our dentist like align beauty orthodontics.
But when should you go to the dental office? In this article, we explain it to you.
What is oral-dental health?
The WHO or World Health Organization defines oral health as the absence of chronic pain, oral or oropharyngeal cancer (throat), canker sores, congenital defects, periodontal diseases (pyorrhea), cavities, disorders affecting the mouth and other diseases of the oral cavity.
The Bucco-dental diseases share the risk factors with the four most important chronic diseases that are:
Cardiovascular diseases
Chronic respiratory diseases
Therefore, maintaining correct oral-dental health is key and determinant to avoid other general pathologies of great importance.
Reducing the risk factors of oral-dental diseases will also allow us to reduce the possibility of suffering the pathologies described above.
The risk factors are A bad diet. Control the intake of sugars and have a balanced diet. And poor oral-dental hygiene.
When should you go immediately to the dental office?
However, we must go immediately to our dental office if we present:
Bleeding gums
The bleeding of the gums should not be taken as a trivial issue since this can indicate a gingival inflammatory process or gingivitis and in an advanced state of this, periodontitis.
The most common cause of gingival bleeding is the buildup of tartar. The tartar is the calcification of bacterial plaque deposits that have not been eliminated with proper brushing. The accumulation of tartar may also be due to:
Difficult access to brushing. The zone of the third molars, when there is a large dental stacking, are areas of difficult access to brushing and therefore susceptible to retain more bacterial plaque and therefore tartar.
Do not use dental floss or floss, or dental irrigators,
Do not use a proper tooth brushing technique or a sufficient brushing time (this should be at least three minutes after each meal).
The accumulation of tartar will cause irritation, redness, and inflammation of the gums, in addition to bleeding. This will always be removable through a tractor dental hygiene in the dental clinic, therefore, we must all perform this treatment at least once a year.
This treatment is key to the correct health of our gums. If the tartar is removed in the dental office correctly, the gingivitis caused by its accumulation may lead to periodontitis or pyorrhea.
Pyorrhea can cause premature loss of teeth. Before the bleeding of our gums, we must go to our dentist and also, extreme our oral hygiene habits.
Pain in a dental piece
Dental pain is the main cause of dental clinic visits. Pain in a tooth may be due to or originate from:
An advanced dental caries.
A dental fissure or fracture.
A dental abscess (infectious process).
The eruption of the third molar or the wisdom tooth.
Through a clinical and radiological examination, it will be possible to determine what the cause of the dental pain is and with it, establish a correct diagnosis and a treatment plan.
Dental caries is an infectious, contagious and multi-factorial pathology that causes the destruction of dental tissue. Likewise, it may cause premature tooth fracture and loss in addition to an infectious process that may not only affect the tooth but may even affect oral and general health.
Therefore, dental caries should be evaluated and treated quickly. Before a change of color in a tooth and/or sensitivity or pain in this, we must go immediately to our dentist.
Also, if we present pain and inflammation before the eruption of the third molar, an abscess or phlegmon in the gum or a dental fracture.
Mandibular or maxillary pain
This pain can also manifest with cervical pain, headaches, dental pain, and may indicate that we suffer from bruxism.
Also, bruxism could cause:
Premature wear of the dental pieces.
Gingival retraction
Blockages in the opening of the mouth or pain in it.
Noises or “click’s” joints.
Pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Bruxism is the actor para-function of tightening or grinding the teeth, consciously or unconsciously and nocturnally or diurnally. If we present these symptoms we should not delay a visit with a dentist.
The treatment of bruxism will normally consist in the realization, utilization and periodic control of a superior rigid discharge splint.
If you have bad breath or halitosis you should go to the consultation
Bad breath is caused in most cases by poor hygiene or tooth brushing, but also, because of tooth decay, periodontitis, gingivitis, oral infectious processes,
If we present halitosis or bad breath we will have to maximize our oral hygiene habits and also carry out a review with our dentist without delay.
The dentist can establish the cause of origin and establish the most appropriate treatment.
Sensitivity in your teeth can be indicative of problems
Many people have hypersensitivity or tooth sensitivity when they take cold food or drink. This should not be ignored.
Dental sensitivity may indicate:
The weakening of tooth enamel.
Fissures or dental fissures (can be caused by bruxism).
Periodontal disease or pyorrhea.
Gingival retraction (which may be caused by bruxism or by strong or aggressive tooth brushing).
The dental sensitivity may be normal if it is temporary and after a dental whitening treatment, but should always be checked and evaluated at the dental office.
Abnormal spots in the oral cavity
An abnormal stain in the oral cavity that is, in the tongue, gums, the inner face of the cheeks, palate, should always be assessed and controlled in the dental office.
Oral spots may have different origins and their nature and their treatment should always be established.
It is very important the self-exploration, after the brushing at home, of all these oral structures described above and before any doubt, you should go to our dentist.
In our dental clinics in Barcelona and Badalona, and in Madrid of Prop dental, we remain at your disposal.
10 reasons to go to the dentist: dental problems and risks associated with them
Next, we leave a list of 10 main reasons and the risks associated with not treating them in your dentist.
Periodontal disease: some studies have shown that 75% of adults suffer from some type of periodontal disease. This disease has been linked to major health complications such as heart problems and diabetes. Inflammation in the gums can cause an inflammatory response in other parts of the body that increase the risk of suffering such problems. In addition, if not treated properly, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss (in fact, it is the first cause in this regard) and dental abscesses.
Dental caries: dental caries can lead to serious oral infections that can be transmitted to other parts of the body. In this way, it is not only important to treat them in time to save the tooth, but also to safeguard the general health.
Oral cancer: oral cancer is a very serious problem that can be fatal in many cases. It affects millions of people but when detected early it is very durable. However, many times it goes unnoticed. Any sore or injury that does not heal after a couple of weeks should be evaluated by a dentist as soon as possible.
Dental erosion: tooth erosion can lead to sensitivity and discoloration of the teeth due to the loss of the enamel. It can also lead to the breakage of the teeth. The acids in some foods and drinks can cause it, but there are many other causes.
Dental sensitivity: this can cause pain or discomfort while eating hot or cold foods. The treatment depends on the cause that is causing it, that is why it is important to go to the dentist for a reliable diagnosis.
Bad breath: this is not always caused by the consumption of certain foods or by the fact of smoking. In fact, 85% of people with permanent halitosis suffer some dental or general condition that causes it. Bearing this in mind, bad breath is thus a symptom of some major problems that must be solved and, incidentally, this annoying and embarrassing situation will also be eliminated.
Toothache: most children and adults have suffered dental pain at some point in their lives, something that can be very unbearable. The best thing in these cases is to carry out a preventive treatment through regular visits to the dentist to detect problems in their early stages.
Sores or canker sores: oral sores can be quite painful but usually disappear by themselves after a few days. If you do not do it after two weeks, we recommend that you go to one of the Prop dental clinics for a professional look. This recommendation is given to rule out the possibility that it is oral cancer or any other more serious problem.
Unattractive smiles: although the unattractive smiles caused by ugly or missing teeth do not always pose a medical problem, it is one of the main reasons that patients go to visit the dentist. No one can deny that a beautiful and healthy smile brings confidence to its owner. Esthetic dentistry offers many solutions to solve the appearance of teeth and step to improve self-esteem.
Mandibular pain: this can be unbearable and can be caused by different problems. Wisdom teeth and dental abscesses can be a major source of pain. Bruxism or teeth grinding can also cause temporomandibular pain. Finally, jaw pain can also be indicative of a heart attack or cancer, which is why patients with these symptoms need to seek the help of a professional to determine the cause of the problem.
Still, do not have enough reasons to take care of your dental health? Brush your teeth twice a day, use the dental floss daily and visit the dentist at least once a year. This will help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.