The human body is a well-functioning self-healing system, the body knows and feels what it needs for health and how to be healed. Look at the children, they choose exactly those foods that they need at the moment for health, a small child will not say, having tasted the cake, that it is tasty, but when he eats berries, he will surprise you. Even a child does not start eating chocolate right away, usually, the need for this product is experienced no earlier than three years. And look at how a child behaves with water. He can’t be pulled out of the water, and sometimes he just doesn’t want to swim. Healing forces are inherent in ourselves, but, unfortunately, we too quickly lose the opportunity to be healed. But the main condition for maintaining health is to still listen to your body. Health means well-being, high working capacity, vitality, quick recovery from diseases, resistance to disturbing ecology, well-coordinated work of all organs of the body.
The necessary conditions:
- Physical activity for health is necessary. Moving is living. There are two types of motor activity – this is normal movement and exercise. All types of activity are useful, but not all muscles work with everyday movements, some are very stressed and others do not get a load. To be healthy, you need to lift weights, and for this, there are exercise machines and gyms. However, it is not necessary to go there at all if you, with the help of a trainer, select a set of exercises for yourself that adds stress to those muscles that are relaxed during the day;
- A healthy diet will help us to be healthy for many years, this is the basis of disease prevention, a properly selected diet allows you to feel good throughout the day and not gain weight;
- A full healthy sleep is necessary for health, numerous studies prove that with a lack of sleep, obesity and heart disease can occur. People with sleep disorders are more likely to get into stressful situations, they experience depression and other health problems;
- Refusing bad habits allows you to regain your lost health, but for this, you need to completely rebuild the diet, it is imperative to cleanse the lungs (when smoking) and the liver (when drinking alcohol). Becoming healthy after giving up bad habits is a difficult but realistic objective.
- Optimism.
- Motor activity
Moving is living and health, they said back in ancient times. To maintain health, movement is necessary. In the age of technological development, our motor activity has decreased to a minimum. We get to work by transport, we go up to the apartment by elevator, we do not have hard physical work at home because there are vacuum cleaners, washing machines and other benefits of civilization. In the evening we do not go for a walk, but watch TV or surf the Internet. And the body needs movement, without it, our well-being will not improve. Sometimes it is easier to go to the gym or fitness than to force yourself to do something at home. Go! Choose what you like and do! Of course, you can advise getting to work on foot and going up the stairs without using the elevator. But we are always in a hurry! There is only one way out – a gym and outdoor activities. Physical activity is the need for a healthy lifestyle.
- Moderate and healthy eating
No matter how much they say about the need to limit themselves to food, people continue to consume incredible amounts of food. Nevertheless, one should eat less and think about the quality of the food. First of all, the body needs vegetables and fruits, they are good because almost all of them can be consumed without restriction. Fruits are a great substitute for sweets and desserts, vegetables are a good addition to meat and fish dishes. Meat and fish, as a source of animal protein, should also be on your table, but you should choose meat not of fatty varieties and use poultry, you can eat fish in any quantity. It is better not to fry foods, but to stew, bake in the oven or cook. For the body to work well, it is better not to eat it until you feel full, but to get up from the table a little hungry, in a few minutes you will feel that you ate just right. But if you eat to a state of feeling stuffed with food, then soon you will feel heaviness in the stomach. Do not eat up at night, but do not go to bed hungry. A healthy diet means balanced. Do not be too lazy to look once in which foods contain proteins, fats or carbohydrates, in what quantities, categorically refuse foods with trans fats. Having once compiled a diet of proper nutrition, you do not have to count calories for a long time and tedious. Your goal is to be healthy, and you should strive for it.
Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. It is better if it is pure water. But part of the liquid can be replaced with unsweetened juices, fruit drinks, vegetable broth. On average, a person needs to drink 2 liters of fluid per day. Scientists say the appropriateness of taking water before meals. In this case, a person will eat less food, but saturation will come faster. A person needs to “cheat” his body every day, because the feeling of fullness comes later, after eating. If you eat as much food as you think is necessary to meet energy costs, then after a while, you will feel heaviness in the stomach.
- Good quality sleep
The need for a good sleep in our time is important for health, as never before. Doctors talked a lot about movement and nutrition, but somehow sleep was bypassed. To get things done, people began to sleep less. And now the doctors sounded the alarm, an obvious connection was found between many diseases, especially nervous and mental, associated with lack of sleep. Healthy sleep and its effect on humans have not yet been fully studied. People have different needs for the duration of sleep. But the usefulness of sleep as one of the main health factors is undeniable. Doctors advise to sleep for 7-8 hours to feel healthy, but this is questioned because there are people who do not need to sleep that long. A healthy body is able to adjust the need for sleep amounts and adjust the regime when changing time zones.
Note also that there is a need for proper rest. Not only sleep but a proper rest may be salvation from stressful situations. Everyone can choose a suitable way for themselves, such as walking, reading, listening to relaxing music, yoga. But do not allow yourself to relax, stimulating the nervous system with all kinds of energy drinks, pills, tranquilizers. Sooner or later, the body can not withstand such a load, then you will have to talk about health with a doctor.
- Refusal of bad habits
Bad habits can not be combined with the right lifestyle. If you smoke, asking doctors or nutritionists how to stay healthy is useless. First of all, you need to give up smoking, and only then think about how to become healthy.
After giving up smoking, carry out a lung cleansing, you need it. Engage in breathing exercises. Be in the fresh air more often. Quitting smoking is an important step towards a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the consequences will affect for a long time, but you can completely restore health by giving up tobacco.
- Optimistic way of looking at life
Be an optimist! Find the light even in the darkest. Believe that God does not give challenges that we cannot stand. Any test, no matter how difficult it may seem to us, leads us away from great troubles. Envy, anger, despondency are not without reason considered to be mortal sins. They kill you, first of all, adversely affecting your health. Laugh more often! A healthy person is usually optimistic and cheerful.
Put your thoughts in order. The chaos in the head is not conducive to health. Do not promise more than you are able to do, do not grasp what you cannot do. But do not say “I cannot” prematurely, a person can do much more than he thinks. Find something to your liking, get an education.
Human life is unique and unforgettable. It is given to a person once, it is necessary to live it fully and happily. Happiness without health is impossible. But the opposite is also true, when asked how to be healthy, one can answer that one must be happy!