As a start-up, your desire would be to have a mobile app for your company.
A mobile app will give you a huge advantage in terms of engagement as well as data analyses to better project your brand on the Internet.
However, you must do due diligence to figure out whether you need an iOS or an Android app?
Do you want to outsource the app development project to another company?
Should you hire one or two developers; one for iOS and one for Android?
These are some of the important questions that would come up during your planning process (when you have decided to develop a mobile app for your start-up).
There are a large number of frameworks that allow you to develop mobile apps with relative ease.
Among so many frameworks, you should look at the React Native favourably.
Now you may question, why we are suggesting you to use React Native to build your mobile app?
The reason to hire React Native developer is due to the number of advantages it provides you to build a highly attractive and effective mobile app for your business.
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Advantages of using React Native to develop your mobile app
1). Multiple platforms:
If your target audience is using both iOS as well as Android smart phones, then it makes sense that you should create a mobile app for both the platforms.
When you Hire React Native developer, then they can write code that can compile in both iOS and Android.
It is a big advantage as only one developer can use the standard React to write code for the mobile app from which you can build native apps (one for iOS and one for the Android).
2). It is cheaper:
When you are starting your business, then capital is the most significant factor over which you need complete control.
As a start-up, you will always desire a faster return so that you can compete and survive in this highly dynamic market.
Many companies look for a React Native developer for hire to help them build a mobile app for their business in a short period of time and at highly competitive prices.
Since the React Native developer can build apps both for iOS and Android platforms using the same code base, he/she can build both the apps quickly.
Furthermore, as you do not have to hire two developers; one to build an iOS app and one for the Android app, your cost is also significantly lower.
3). Easy to find developers for your mobile app:
There is a huge community of React Native developers online. As React Native is a JavaScript Framework, it is easier to get React Native developer for hire.
Many JavaScript developers have in recent times switched to React Native development because it offers them huge community support.
4). Facebook supports it:
Facebook supports this open-source framework.
This ensures that there are many people who are constantly updating the code to ensure that it remains relevant to the changing needs of the developers.
5). Offers UI/UX focused development:
For any mobile app to succeed in the market it must have an attractive UI.
The React Native is an excellent framework for creating a great looking UI, thanks to its original source, which is JavaScript.
It comes with a large number of premade libraries and components for the UI, which offers the developer multiple options for creating beautiful minimalistic design language.
As the mobile app is going to be the face of your business when you launch it on the Internet, it is imperative that you focus on providing a great looking UI.
As React Native is built upon the JavaScript, which is well-known for creating interactive and engaging UIs, it offers the developers a great number of features to create a fantastic mobile app
6). Third-party plug-in support:
A huge advantage of using React Native is that it allows third-party library/plug-in support.
There are libraries for adding elements, customization, testing and many more. Using these libraries makes the task of the developers much smoother and easier and it works great in all verticals.
7). Reusable code:
React Native framework allows reusability of code (same as JavaScript). The reusability of code is applicable right from the PWAs to the React Native mobile apps.
Additionally, the time a developer takes to create web apps can be further optimised in case of a React Native mobile app due to the code reusability and the close resemblance of React and React Native.
8). Uses less memory:
Since this framework is compatible with third-party plug-ins, it offers a smoother runtime.
Even without using WebView, that developer can easily connect one of the modules to the plug-in through a native module.
Since this phase is directly linked with app outcome features, it offers a faster response.
When you use React Native for the iOS and Android platforms, it uses less memory space because the cross-bridge linking is not done as most of the codes are used during runtime.
9). It supports hybrid apps:
React Native allows you to develop hybrid apps wherein you can have a part of your app as a web view.
10). Regular updates:
React Native is supported by Facebook. It also has a huge online community.
These points ensure that the React Native framework is continuously evolving and improving with time.
It is very important that when you are selecting the right framework to develop your mobile app, then you must take into consideration various factors.
The above point shows the huge advantage the React Native offers in the mobile app development process.
However, there are no one rules fit for all. If you want your application to be listed in the Android app store or the play store wherein it uses the sensors of the smartphone, then you should look at the React Native.