If you’re a savvy designer for apartment complexes, no one would better understand the innovation and effort required to return high-quality units. The move towards apartment living heightened around the world, whereas few simply outdone themselves and even won awards for multi-residential design!
So what’re precisely the features of a high-quality apartment complex? The answer is space, brightness and comfort for tenants and the features should blend in perfectly with the environment. Innovative apartment designs have natural ventilation such as large windows and balconies, whereas the construction strategy favors responsiveness to the ever-changing climate.
Speaking of an apartment that encourages you in making new friends to a unit that lets you enjoy both sunrise and sunset, here’re a few design trends to go for with apartments in Dubai and beyond!
Apartment corresponding to the context
As we speak, it’s worth knowing that there exist many different types of apartment complexes, boasting specific characteristics to help you perceive the design and development all the way through.
- Narrow infill apartments like the name are best suited for narrow and deep lots with special design consideration given towards privacy of both occupants and immediate neighbours.
- Row apartments blend well in both urban and rural contexts. They’re modular, highly adaptable, and ideal for a slanted land. For those keen against smaller building footprints, reinforcement of existing subdivision, street edge continuation, building patterns as well as preserving natural beauty, row apartment is the best choice.
- Shop top apartments fit perfectly with main streets and centres that require active commercial or retail front and lots of pedestrian buzz. The best use of design is with increased residential uses and zero setbacks, a rare lane access and boundary walls to the side.
- Courtyard apartments are apt with variety of lot sizes, slopes, sites, contexts and orientations.
- Perimeter block apartments are a match made in heaven to urban areas and integrate perfectly into street blocks. They’re good for; defining the street edge, encourage less activities right in front of the complex and achieve high urban densities.
- Tower apartments sit among major centers, urban renewal sites, and CBDs. The reason is of these areas being dense, have many other existing towers and require density to a greater extent.
- Hybrid developments combine different use aspects such as commercial facilities and components in coordination to the type of apartment living. Success of the design as well as construct depends on how the units would respond to the change in the construction, design built and adaptability to the environment.
The apartment that adjusts with relationship status quo
Many designs incorporated in apartment complexes nowadays complement to status quo of occupants. For instance youngsters, bachelors or married couples can restructure the units while following the construction standards, accommodating to the lifestyle.
The apartment that encourages friendship
Other high-rise complexes are designed in a way that fosters community bonding among dwellers. This is possible with shared courtyards, communal dining facilities and multiple balconies. Doesn’t matter how taller or wider a building, occupants aren’t isolated from one another which makes it ideal for social interaction and create a lasting friendship.
Best aesthetics
Many apartment complex designs take innovativeness and creativity to the next level. Take for instance a complex bearing tree-like shape with balconies stretching out like branches. There is indeed an actual example of such a design from the brilliant Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. The apartment complex is built on a river in Montpellier, France.
Seamless in-and-outdoor living spaces
Designed by Kann Finch for Meydan City in Dubai, The Origami has an open-quality approach for each unit in the apartment complex. Internal living area extends to a large balcony with windowed walls whereas patterned solid/glass screen give the building a stunning aesthetic appeal. Overall design caters privacy and shade for tenants.
More than a trend this is, in truth, an invitation that, from this new space that you have for you and your family, contribute to the care of the environment , for that you can make use of those elements that you thought were obsolete and also with objects such as corks, paper and cardboard. You can also choose to use ecological paints or wallpaper.
This trend also allows us to combine different types of patterns on the objects that we will have in our apartment. Do not be afraid to choose several options and colours, make use of your personality and taste to select the ones that best fit the spaces in which they will be located.
The places where we store all the objects that we are not using at the moment, are usually smaller than the amount of things we have and over the years it becomes more necessary to look for new places, but now that you can choose where each one will go element, you can take some measures such as using floating shelves where you can locate from decoration to your children’s games.
In turn, choose to buy organizers that are part of the decoration, such as some wicker or comfortable baskets that go perfectly with what you have chosen in your furniture.
To fill your new apartment with life, it will always be a design trend to include plants that give a natural and fresh touch to the spaces. Place them strategically in order to make every corner of the house an essential part of your life project.
The above designs for apartment living are entirely futuristic, eco-friendly and offers the best in privacy and occupant’s comfort.