It’s difficult forbusy moms to spare time out of their schedule to prepare a healthy meal for lunch. Often, the lack of time and determination leads to casual snacking or picking up unhealthy foods, which can have adverse effectson your overall health.
To keep up with a busy schedule, it is essential to provide your body with the energy it needs to keep moving. If you continue to work during lunch or go hours without eating, you may end up feeling stressed and face difficulty concentrating and getting results even when you’re putting in the extra effort.
Anxietyis another serious factor that mustn’t be taken lightly. In fact, dementia statistics show how stress could be the leading cause of whypeople show symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other memory-related diseases. While you can always take a dementia test to find out if there actually is a problem to get the treatment started, it is equally important to pay attention to your diet and keep yourself healthy to operate throughout the day.
A few simple changes in your lifestyle can boost your energy, readjust your eating patterns, and can have a positive impact on your overall health.
Healthy food choices – What moms need to know
Healthy snacks and lunches are as crucial for the adults as it is for children. For busy moms who have a lengthy to-do list, offering healthy lunch box choices is essential. Tips include crunchy vegetables, fresh fruits, dairy, a combination of protein, and carbohydrates.
The key is to treat yourself and your lunch choices just as carefully as you do for your kids,so you don’t compromise on anybody’s health. Often, moms do not really care about what food they are eating as long as they are satisfied with what they have placedin their children’s lunch boxes.
This approach needs to change. The only way you can guarantee your little one’s health is if you are healthy too. Your nutritional requirements, in fact, could be much more crucial than your children’s’.
Moreover, healthy food gives you the energy to operate without feeling tired or stress. This means that by consciously choosing nourishing foods, you’re also keeping the risk of obesity and dementia at bay.
Tips on how to get it right
There are a few things you can do despite your tightschedule to stay healthy and work on staying fit. Here are a few things you can do:
Don’t skip breakfast: Whether you are busy preparing your kids to start their day or are running out the door to report for an early-morning meeting, it’s very easy to skip your breakfast. No matter what or how much you eat for lunch, don’t forget to eat the most important meal of the day. You can look for simple breakfast ideas that you can prepare in less than 5 minutes and get going.
Prepare lunch in advance: The best way to eat healthy and wholesome food during lunch is to prepare in advance. When you get back home tired or are running late in the morning, you may not get time to make your lunch. That’s when you look for convenience foods that you can buy off the nearest stall or van. Unfortunately, doing this on a regular basis can pose a significantrisk to your health.
Prepare advance meals for the entire week. Use plastic containers and prepare food that can be frozen or refrigerated and can be picked every morning as you are ready to begin your day.
Shop wisely: In short, choose quality over quantity. The best way to prepare healthy food for your lunch box is if you shop for healthy food. Dairy, produce, poultry, meats, eggs, vegetables, and fruits should make up the majority of your shopping list. While you’re at it, avoid dumping snacks like chips and biscuits into your shopping cart.
4 things busy moms should have in their lunch boxes
There are many food choices you can consider for your lunch box. The only thing you need to be mindful of is how healthy your options are.
Here are some suggestions.
Make fruit a part of your daily lunch meal
Fresh fruits are a blessing for those of us who don’t like sugary desserts and would rather stick to what nature has to offer. Make it a point to pack at least a portion of fruits with your lunch box so you can either have it after you’ve eaten your lunchor when you feel like snacking mid-day. However, don’t make the mistake of thinking thatdried fruits have the same nutritionalvalue as fresh fruits because they aren’t just loaded with sugar, but also won’t last very long. Check here for the best portable electric stove.
Spare a portion for some green
Just like you organize your plate at home – with a portion of protein and vegetable – follow the same guidelines with your work lunch. Dedicate a part of yourlunch box to vegetables.
If you are preparing a protein or carbohydrate meal, complement it with a salad mix on the side. The combination of carrot sticks, cucumber, capsicums, tomatoes, and cherries on the top will taste fresh and delicious and will help keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
A sandwich or a wrap
Not only are sandwicheseasy to prepare, but you can also always enjoy a cold-version of these food options and still get all your nutrition. Be wise with your options. Depending on your personal preferences, add some protein, lots of veggies, your favorite healthy dips or a homemade version of ketchup to your sandwich or wrap.
It’s best to pack the sauces and dips separately to keep your sandwich from going bad.
Be creative with the fillings
Fillings are where you can try maximum varieties. It can include peanut butter, egg, tuna, cheese varieties, baked beans, cold meat slices, lettuce, grated carrots, avocado, pickles, chopped meat, etc. Dips like chickpea (hummus), eggplant, yogurt, spinach, cucumber, also make excellent spreads.
Avoid honey, jams, chocolate spreads, and fatty meats like salami.
Final Word
Busy moms often overlook their own health when dealing with their demanding schedules. A little planning, some strategy, and picking the right food can resolve everything.
ABOUT Alycia Gordan
Alycia Gordan is a freelance writer who loves to read and write articles on healthcaretechnology, fitness and lifestyle. She is a tech junkie and divides her time between travel and writing. You can find her on Twitter: @meetalycia